
 is the amount of space that every Lithuanian has on average to live in. In comparison to the European average of 42,56m² per person the Lithuanians need to do with a lot less. About 63% of Lithuanians live in apartments and in the cities this reaches up to 85%. Given this context, qualitative, diverse and green public space should be widely available and easily accessible to inhabitants of Kaunas. With a large number of qualitative parks spread across the city, Kaunas doesn’t do that bad on first sight but when you look a bit closer you will find that most of the public and semi-public space directly connected to people’s doorstep is often mono-functional (parking), uninspired (plain fields of grass) and somewhat uncared for. With our project-proposal we want people to look a little different at these spaces in front of their doorstep and rediscover them in the hope that they will be inspired to eventually change them for the better.

Our projectproposal for the Magenta landscape festival  is an installation of 26,2m² that consists of a total of 25 mobile units of 1m² (1x1m) and one of 1,2m² (1×1,2m). The whole installation can be broken down into it’s smallest parts and reconfigured as pleased. All the units can be subdivided in 4 major parts. The first part consists of a small tribune and a podium to function as an urban forum where lectures and discussions can be held as well as performances. The second part functions as an urban gardening unit with 4 large plant-boxes and 2-storage units for the necessary tools and a seed-library. The third part is educational playground that invites kids to think about their urban environment. The forth part is a long table where people can meet, discuss, play and cook. The table is a accompanied by the last irregular unit of 1,2m² that contains a wood-burning oven to bake bread or pizza’s